Is There a Free Cancellation Option with Lufthansa?Is There a Free Cancellation Option with Lufthansa?

Lufthansa does not provide a blanket free cancellation policy. Free cancellations are usually reserved for flexible or refundable tickets. If you need to cancel your flight, review the terms of your ticket or reach out to Lufthansa for guidance. For further details on cancellations, check their {...}


Is there a free cancellation policy with Lufthansa?Is there a free cancellation policy with Lufthansa?

Lufthansa offers a 24-hour cancellation policy for flights departing from the U.S. After this period, free cancellation may depend on your fare type. Flexible or refundable tickets are more likely to allow cancellations without penalty, while discounted fares may have stricter conditions. Confirm details with Lufthansa’s {...}